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The Coyote Brotherhood has been established to include all former Coyote Football players and coaches. We have spent the last five years promoting fellowship, fun, camaraderie and the continuation of the family of Coyote Football alumni within “The Brotherhood.”  We have inspired numerous acts of kindness and raised funds for various agreed upon endeavors.


Our desire is to be a social network to support the special bond between former Coyote players and to leverage our resources in support of Coyote Football through the Howling Pack. We invite you to become a part of the Brotherhood to reconnect with fellow teammates and relive some of the greatest experiences of our lives as Coyote Football players.  


Our goal is to support all University of South Dakota Football Alumni (coaches/players/staff) in any way we can to strengthen the value of being inducted as a member of the Coyote Brotherhood. We also want to make sure all members of the Coyote Brotherhood stay connected to one another and keep up to date on any social events and football program updates while sharing our individual expertise, experience or contacts as needed to help one another.


Please complete this form and we will send you a link to the final roster with all the information and updates.

First Name *

Last Name *

Mailing Street Address *

City *

State *

Zip Code *

Email Address *

Phone Number *

Password *

What years did you play football at the University of South Dakota? *

What positions did you play? *

What did you study in college? *

What is your current career/job/business? *

(Please share what field(s) you worked in or currently working in and list your job title or what field(s) you're interested in if you're interested in if you're looking for new career opportunities)

What areas do you have experience or expertise in that could be helpful to other alumni or their family/friends? *

(List any personal and professional experience you have that could be beneficial to other alumni)

What's your favorite memory of playing football? *

(Specific game(s), experiences, events, etc.)

​If you could give advice to a graduating senior, what would you tell them? *

(career, life, relationships, etc.)

What do you like to do for fun? *

(List any hobbies, sports or experience you enjoy)

Have any additional comments and/or questions?

Thanks for submitting!

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